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May 27, 2012

Padang-Padang Beach

Halooo para readers and fellow blogger.. :*
Pas gue lagi ngetik post ini, waktu sedang menunjukan pukul 12.32 dan ini adalah hari MINGGU..
So, I want to say HAPPY SUNDAY everyone

Sesuai judul post di atas, I want to tell you about Padang-Padang Beach as one of the beautiful beach in Bali Island ;)

What a beautiful beachh..

You need about 30 minutes to go to this place from Kuta (by car).. But, you don't need to pay the ticket to enter this place.. Just need some thousand rupiah for pay the parking fee.. :D

To enter the beach, you have down the stone stairs guys.. You must be carefully.. 
Sometimes the stairs so slippery.. Apalagi tangga batu tersebut diapit sama tebing dan agak gelap jadinya.. But, it worth to try.. Hihi.. 

Padang-Padang Beach is the beach where Julia Robert had shot EAT PRAY LOVE The Movie.. Yeaaahhh..  \(´▽`)/ Jadi ceritanya waktu itu Julia Robert sempet dateng ke Indonesia terutama Bali untuk shooting film lhoooo... 

We should proud to be Indonesian guyss.. Keindahan alam di negara kita bener-bener terdengar mpe ke banyak negara lhooo.. :D Oleh karena itu, kita sudah wajib dan harus menjaga itu semua guyss.. Contoh simple : Jangan buang sampah sembarangan, terutama di tempat wisata seperti ini !!! Oke, back to the topic ~

Padang-Padang Beach tidak memiliki area yang cukup luas guyss.. Beda dengan Kuta Beach, dimana kita butuh waktu berjam-jam (rasanya) untuk jalan dari ujung yang satu ke ujung yang lain..

Besides of that, I didn't find the person offer me service such as massage or temporary tattoo like in Kuta Beach.. ;) But, you still find some of the international tourists do surf in this place.. The wave was so nice.. 

OF COURSE.. With my camera.. I captured so many picture here.. You SHOULD too, guyss !!! :D

Ohh yeah.. There is a bridge in the way to enter this place.. From the bridge, you can look the view from above.. Wait until the sunset.. Oooowww.. (´⌣`ʃƪ)

Urusan pasir pantai, Padang-Padang Beach punya pasir yang lebihh bersih jernih dibandingkan dengan pasir di Kuta Beach.. So, I play in the sand and also try to write my name.. LOL ~

Once more, I love the color of water in my picture.. But unfortunately, I didn't see the sunset because the weather was not support.. Huhuhu..

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